A properly adhered coating begins with a properly prepared surface. This article focuses on techniques available to contractors to improve the adhesion of a roof coating so that the coating can spend more time on the roof and not delaminated or damaged.
The global roof coatings market has grown to $6.7 billion in 2016 and is projected to grow to more than $13 billion by 2021. Demand for higher-quality, longer-lasting coatings has never been higher and current trends predict more changes for the future.
Understand how urethane chemistry works so you can identify when and where to use it.
This article focuses on the basics of the chemistry behind polyurethanes, and the trends that have driven the roofing industry toward their use in the form of foams, coatings, and adhesives.
Despite the ubiquity of polyurethane materials, many design and construction professionals don’t understand the building science behind these products.
This article explores the five basic mechanisms commonly used to describe adhesion.